ENG-INS 12月のご案内


 英語教育に関する様々な(良質の)アイディアと、ALTが日本でサバイブしていく知恵をシェアできればと考えています。終了後は駅前のやきとり屋さんでFood & Drinkの予定です。もちろん、日本人の方々の参加もOKですので、興味のある方はぜひご参加ください。(英語の勉強になりますよ!(笑))

< Saturday 6th 2008 ENG-INS Meeting >

On Saturday 6th 2008, the Eng-ins group is meeting. This meeting is open to any and all teachers of English, but this is a group primarily for and ran by Native English Teachers.The meeting begins at 6pm and ends at 8pm. The location is the same as last time, we are once again holding the meeting at the Choukominkan.

So far, the next meeting is without a theme or a presentation. So it would be nice to hear some of your ideas for the next meeting.
If we don’t have anyone presenting that would be fine,because I have a decent back up plan for the meeting.We can create and edit the first Eng-ins podcast. We could make one or two depending on the time.

I would like to gear the podcast for Jr. High school 2nd and 3rd graders, but we can make one for English Teachers in Japan too. Either sounds good to me. And, hopefully this will attract more people to the meetings as well.

See a Map and a photo to guide your way here You can see the building once you cross the tracks. The building is less than 2 minutes from the station. Hope to see some new faces. Please spread the word. We are meeting once again at 春日部市中央公民館 (Kasukabe city Chuoukouminkan). The station on the map is 八木崎 (Yagisaki station).

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